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Did you know it would take 10,000 digital dental x-rays in 1 year to expose you to the maximum allowable radiation dose as set in Canada?

The minor amount of radiation digital x-rays put out is not significant enough for anyone to decline the major benefits of having up to date x-rays taken.

You get well over 3 mSv every year from outdoor and background sources alone, and the maximum on the job does per year, in Canada, is 50 mSv.  Small doses over time are much safer than a large dose all at once, because the body can actually recover!

Without dental x-rays, your dentist can only see about half your tooth, and you don’t want to make decisions about treatment based on half the information available!  X-rays also let your dentist see caries ( cavities) that are not visible to the eye, bone loss, which is also not visible to the eye, root tips, fractures and so much more.  An accurate diagnosis often demands an x-ray.  Let’s take a look at the low radiation levels digital dental x-rays give off.

X-ray Type……………………………………………. mSv (estimated exposure)

High Dose Dental or Medical X-rays

Barium Enema CT scan………………………………15
Barium Enema, Fluoroscopy……………………….8
Cardiac stress test (Technetium)………………….9.4
Coronoary Angiogram …………………………..3.0
IV pyelogram (kidneys, ureter, and bladder…  3.0
Thyroid Scan……………………………………………4.8

Medium Dose Dental or Medical X-rays

Lower Back…………………………………………… 1.5
Head CT……………………………………………….. 1.5
Hip Film (unilateral)……………………………..0.70
Abdominal ……………………………………….. 0 .60

Low Dose Dental or Medical X-rays
Chest X-ray, 2 films ……………………………. 0.500
Dental, full mouth, traditional film  ……….. 0.180
Dental, 4 bitewing x-rays, traditional film…0.038
Dental, Panograph, traditional film, ………..0.019

Now let’s take a look at the digital x-rays offered a Bowmanville Dental:

Dental. full mouth series, low radiation digital x-ray …………….. 0.060
Dental, 4 bitewing x-rays, low radiation digital x-ray………………0.013
Dental, Panograph, low radiation digital x-ray…………………….0.004

The very low dose digital x-rays we offer at Bowmanville Dental are the safest x-rays you can have.   Questions? Call us today for quick and easy answers, at 905-697-9799 or send us an email.

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