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Tooth Replacement Options

Dental issues normally begin around age 30, when many of us find ourselves with teeth that are no longer structurally sound, requiring us to begin to explore tooth replacement options such as dental crowns, bridges, single tooth dental implants and full mouth restoration options.  At Bowmanville Dental, we want you to know that it is never too late to rebuild your smile.  Your smile affects your confidence, and in turn, your personal, social and professional life.  We know how a tooth repair or smile improvement can change someone’s life.  We see it everyday.

If you have a dental concern you are embarrassed about, or a a tooth problem that is holding you back from smiling freely, please read on to learn more about your options to replace missing teeth and correct damaged teeth.

Repairing Damaged Teeth

Depending on the type of damage, and the severity, damaged teeth can be repaired with a little dental bonding, porcelain veneers or dental crowns.  These treatments require enough tooth structure to remain intact and structurally sound. Each option is a variation of using porcelain, ceramic and acrylic materials to build up chipped and broken teeth to restore their appearance.  These options are all custom fit and colour matched to your natural teeth, and no one but a professional could see the difference.

Replacing Missing Teeth

When too much tooth structure is damaged, then extraction and tooth replacement is normally undertaken.  Tooth replacement can be done by a dental bridge, which requires your healthy teeth adjacent to your missing tooth to be shaven down and prepared for a dental bridge.  The gold standard of treatment to place a missing tooth is a single tooth dental implant, because healthy adjacent teeth do not need to be disturbed at all.  For multiple missing teeth, extended bridges, multiple implants or dentures are all options.  Each varies in treatment approach, benefits and cost.  X-rays are needed to determine your jaw bone levels and give you viable options for tooth replacement.  Simply schedule a consultation with your dentist to begin the process.

Explore tooth replacement options with our Bowmanville Dentists today.

Schedule an examination with our skilled and friendly team today.  We will review your overall dental health, then  provide you with a clear understanding of your current dental condition, and the best options for you.  We will answer all your questions, and encourage you to ask us whatever you need to be comfortable with any care you choose.

Call us today: 905-697-9799

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