Don’t Skip The Oral Cancer Screening By Your Dentist
April was Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The week of May 11th-17th is dedicated to Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness. We want to remind you of the Oral Cancer Screening we offer at no additional cost, and some facts about oral cancer.
It affects young and old. About 6% of oral cancers occur among persons under 40 years of age.
Approximately 4700 Canadians are affected each year and about 26% of cases become terminal.
The most common areas where it is detected are:
- lip
- tongue
- gums
- floor of mouth
- salivary gland
- tonsil
- oropharynx
Some factors that contribute to oral cancer include:
- a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables
- tobacco use
- alcohol use
Oral Cancer Screening During Your Complete Oral Examination
Every time you schedule your Complete Oral Examination (COE), you undergo oral cancer screening in our office.
The Complete Oral Examination is performed on all new patients, and recommended every 3-5 years thereafter.
A COE is like a full physical from your family physician. You may see your physician for regular checkups or health matters, but you should also have a full physical every few years. Dental health care is no different.
If you have not had a COE in the past 3 years, why not schedule one today?
- It only takes one hour
- We will perform an enhanced oral cancer screening using VelScope and manual screening methods
- We will perform a gum health to check for early signs of gum disease
- We will perform a full dental screening with X-rays to ensure all tissues and bone are healthy
Book your COE today.