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invisalign clear braces aligner

Do you have crowded or crooked teeth, but thought your chance to wear braces had passed you by? The truth is that you are never too old to correct your smile with orthodontic treatments. Traditional braces work for a greater range of alignment problems, but most adults prefer not to spend two years wearing metal braces. With Invisalign clear braces for adults and teens, you can now take advantage of discreet orthodontics to improve your smiles and boost your self-confidence. The best part? No stainless steel or rubber bands are needed. With its clear aligner system, Invisalign is hard to spot, so only those closest to you will notice a difference.  For a personal consultation, call Bowmanville Dental at 905-697-9799 to make schedule your orthodontic consultation, or keep scrolling to learn more.

Benefits of Invisalign Clear Braces

Many of the challenges of traditional braces are non-existent when you use clear aligners instead of brackets and wires. There are several benefits to choosing Invisalign:

  • No food restrictions
  • Discreet appearance
  • Fewer office visits
  • Removable aligners
  • No special cleaning tools needed
  • Shorter treatment time, in many cases

Because patients must remove the aligners for eating, there are no off-limits foods, as with traditional braces. You don’t need to use any special cleaning tools to keep them clean, either. The clear aligners are less noticeable than braces, so you don’t have to feel like an awkward adolescent to straighten your teeth. You can even remove them for special occasions, as long as you wear them for 20-22 hour per day.

One of the most attractive features of Invisalign is something that is appreciated by busy adults and teens alike: fewer office visits. With traditional braces, patients need to come in every four weeks to have wires tightened. With Invisalign, however, you only need to visit the office for a progress check every six weeks or so.

Best of all, the overall treatment timeline with Invisalign is usually shorter than the two years needed for traditional braces. Wear your aligners faithfully, switch to your new set every two weeks, and you’ll stay on the predicted treatment timeline. Many patients can achieve a more balanced smile in just 12-18 months.

The Health Benefits of Straighter Teeth

A straighter smile can make you feel better about your appearance and boost your confidence, but there are oral health benefits to consider, as well. Teeth that overlap or fit too tightly together can be hard to keep clean and make you more likely to develop cavities. For example, if you’re teeth are crowded together you may have a hard time flossing without shredding the floss or hearing a popping sound. Patients with crooked teeth are also more likely to develop calcified plaque (tartar), which can lead to decay and early signs of gum disease. Having a properly aligned smile will ensure you can brush all surfaces of the teeth thoroughly and access the gum line when you floss.

Who Can Have Invisalign Treatment?

If you are a teen or adult with mild-to-moderate malocclusion, visit our office to learn more about whether Invisalign clear braces can correct your alignment issues. Invisalign should not be used for children whose jaws are still growing and changing. The ideal age for Invisalign treatment may vary from patient to patient, so only a dentist can determine whether a young person can wear Invisalign.

Get Clear Braces At Bowmanville Dental

If your teeth and gums are in a good state of health, we will examine your teeth and take x-rays to determine whether Invisalign is right for you. Invisalign does have its limitations, of course. It cannot correct some bite issues or perform some advanced tooth rotations.  If you require this type of tooth correction for severe malocclusion or a bite disorder, we offer a variety of orthodontics, including white or tooth coloured braces and modern wire braces.  When you come in for an orthodontic consultation, we will assess all factors to determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign.

Are you ready to finally straighten your smile? Make an appointment with us today.

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