
New Patient Information Form PDF
Please download this form and fill all the information and hand it prior to your appointment

Sedation Dentistry Pre-op Instructions PDF - Special restrictions guide prior to sedation dentistry, download pre-op and post-op instructions.

Instructions Following Oral Surgery PDF - Always follow the post operative instructions provided by your dentist, download and follow these general guidelines after oral surgery for rapid recovery.

Patient Education

Patient Education

Educating and informing our patients about their oral health and available treatment alternatives is essential to allow each patient to determine their own course of individualized treatment.

To help us achieve this goal, we have incorporated a patient education software on our computers called Consult-PRO which allows us to display 3D graphics, clinical photos and slides. The old cliche, "a picture is worth a thousand words" is still quite evident when trying to understand foreign dental terminology or concepts. If you would like to like to learn more about Consult-PRO, please click on the Patient Education button above.